
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Frame Shifts

"Your business would still be open if you would travel in groups of only two people or less. Your restaurant could be open in 18 months if you all agree to go outside for only this pre-approved list of reasons experts have deemed "necessary." Are you sure you are "essential?" What makes you think you are essential? We'll tell you who is essential. "If you would just stop being greedy and going to restaurants and if you would just comply and stop being selfish and resisting, we may be able to have a normal life again. Humans are dirty, and if you would cover your dirty mouths, then many more people would still be alive right now. We would not have to lock down the entire country if you would just wash your dirty, stinking hands." "Papers, please. Present your papers. We are on level 100 lockdown because deplorables decided they knew better than experts. Good thing we have baskets for deplorables like you. Get in this train car for mandatory qu...

Big Tuck Energy

In celebration of Cucker's thorough cuckening in CuckGate 2020, I have written a selection of limericks. Time to stop the steal Cuck... I mean, Tuck. Not okay for you Cuck left when you should be Tucking right. Turncoat Cuckerson cucks on a dime For a cuck, never better a time When a bull sees his wife Cuck must run for his life To stand at the back of the line Cucker Tuckerson cucks in a jiffy "This evidence, inconclusive and iffy...." Primetime, he has "facts in" 'bout releasing this "Kraken" Least his bow-tie is ever so spiffy A cuck always cucks, yes it's true With mild pressure of a media milieu When Soros bids, "Hop" He might pop out his socks And refrain from ever naming the .... The Tuck is a cuck and a king King Cuck, rings his bell, "ding-a-ling" So his controllers can see him A wiggle and a reelin' 'Round his neck, not a crown, but a ring Update: The Tuck clucks a-clucky cluck cuck Like a chicken or quacks...

Pompeo Tells Media, Cry More

If at this point, anyone continues to deny the obvious fraud involved in this election, remember that this is nothing we have not experienced. Voter fraud is a normal aspect of all elections. That is why exhaustive measures are generally taken to prevent cheating in all games involving national or monetary importance. Only a child would believe otherwise and we have clear until the electorates vote to fight this out in court. The US Presidential election is the most important election in the world, without equality. Considering that the EU is unelected, then this should be even more obvious. Countries and various groups take an interest, and many nefarious players are diligently working to manipulate the results in their favor. The most obvious is to bribe both sides, which was an effective tactic in contests between the likes of known quantities like Bush and Gore, but the tactics become much more focused on manipulating the vote tallies when someone as monumental Trump is obstructing...

Trump Actively Shadow-Banned by Big Tech Monopolies

The steal is happening right before your eyes. Even Acosta gets better SEO than the POTUS. Really makes you wonder what they could be so afraid of? 🤔🤔🤔 UPDATE Multiple steps necessary to stop you from retweeting the POTUS.... They are super scuuurrred.