Big Tuck Energy
In celebration of Cucker's thorough cuckening in CuckGate 2020, I have written a selection of limericks. Time to stop the steal Cuck... I mean, Tuck. Not okay for you Cuck left when you should be Tucking right.
Turncoat Cuckerson cucks on a dime
For a cuck, never better a time
When a bull sees his wife
Cuck must run for his life
To stand at the back of the line
Cucker Tuckerson cucks in a jiffy
"This evidence, inconclusive and iffy...."
Primetime, he has "facts in"
'bout releasing this "Kraken"
Least his bow-tie is ever so spiffy
A cuck always cucks, yes it's true
With mild pressure of a media milieu
When Soros bids, "Hop"
He might pop out his socks
And refrain from ever naming the ....
The Tuck is a cuck and a king
King Cuck, rings his bell, "ding-a-ling"
So his controllers can see him
A wiggle and a reelin'
'Round his neck, not a crown, but a ring
The Tuck clucks a-clucky cluck cuck
Like a chicken or quacks like a duck
Bob and dive in the swamp
A blue-haired cave troll's home stomp
While the noses all honk at the schmuck
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