The Frame Shifts

"Your business would still be open if you would travel in groups of only two people or less. Your restaurant could be open in 18 months if you all agree to go outside for only this pre-approved list of reasons experts have deemed "necessary." Are you sure you are "essential?" What makes you think you are essential? We'll tell you who is essential.

"If you would just stop being greedy and going to restaurants and if you would just comply and stop being selfish and resisting, we may be able to have a normal life again. Humans are dirty, and if you would cover your dirty mouths, then many more people would still be alive right now. We would not have to lock down the entire country if you would just wash your dirty, stinking hands."

"Papers, please. Present your papers. We are on level 100 lockdown because deplorables decided they knew better than experts. Good thing we have baskets for deplorables like you. Get in this train car for mandatory quarantine. It is just a shower for delousing you. It is your own good. We have to give you group showers because it is more efficient and saves money. Stop asking so many questions, you might start a riot...."  


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