Pompeo Tells Media, Cry More

If at this point, anyone continues to deny the obvious fraud involved in this election, remember that this is nothing we have not experienced. Voter fraud is a normal aspect of all elections. That is why exhaustive measures are generally taken to prevent cheating in all games involving national or monetary importance. Only a child would believe otherwise and we have clear until the electorates vote to fight this out in court.

The US Presidential election is the most important election in the world, without equality. Considering that the EU is unelected, then this should be even more obvious. Countries and various groups take an interest, and many nefarious players are diligently working to manipulate the results in their favor. The most obvious is to bribe both sides, which was an effective tactic in contests between the likes of known quantities like Bush and Gore, but the tactics become much more focused on manipulating the vote tallies when someone as monumental Trump is obstructing the path to influence, especially when the control of the polls are firmly in the hands of the enemy.

We are in the midst of a confidence game and this is nothing new. The bluff, however, is now cracking like the encrusted makeup of an aging barmaid. And as the paint peels from the walls, Pompeo outrightly casts off the contrived demoralizing narrative of the corporate media war-machine, first snorting, then indignantly retorting to the media cries, "There will be a smooth transition... to a second Trump administration," followed by more chuckles. 

And they cried until blood streamed down their cheeks:

"I am sick," said one US diplomat overseas. "How dare he undermine our work."

"How can he be serious?" said another US diplomat. "This is actually incredibly scary."

One State Department official said they had been watching the news conference until Pompeo "joked about the transition" and then they "flipped it off in disgust."

"For someone who created a code of ethos and a West Point graduate, he's stooping to the lowest of the low," they said, adding that Pompeo is "sinking his legacy, even with all the work and diplomacy of his term."


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