
Showing posts from June, 2021

Enemy of The State - And You Thought The Belizean Pirates Were Bad News

The infamous McAfee pleads his case in his Spanish extradition hearing: "In 2016, I ran for nomination for President of the United States in the Libertarian party. I announced that my platform would be based on exposing the corruption within the IRS... If I am extradited to the US, I will most certainly spend the rest of my life in prison." I hope you are in a better place Mr. McAfee, free from goon and virus. These governments have a conspicuously difficult time keeping famous people alive in prison.

Ouch, My Swelling Heart... Yet Another Rare Blood Disease

From the reports you would think this was a cause for celebration, but sadly, their blood was yet another casualty of the war on coofing. Only a 24x increase of a rare blood disease? Sounds like a reasonable trade-off. Fear not for the Juneteenth festivities will continue. Being that some of us are more susceptible to the racism-induced effects of the "totally not the flu, bro," they should be allowed to continue twerking on emergency services just a bit longer. Have a (myocarditic) heart, my friends. Twerk  though your hearts are plumping. Twerk just to keep them pumping....

The Vacuous Sheep Gonna Vacc-sheep

Even as their children die in a closely correlated and apparent eventuality. Not causation, sure? But the vaccines are now admitted to be causing similar medical disasters . This is not enough to shift their allegiances, however... No blunder too great, no corporation too evil to alter the opinions of these vindictive sheeple. This is how I originally came upon this story at The Epoch Times : PS Sound advice for those determined to do the will of the corporate state at the potential expense of the health of their young family members who suffer almost no probability of having a negative outcome from simply contracting the dreaded 'coof.' Please, if you plan on engaging in counter-rational-health-precaution protest, at least monitor their heart rate closely! They may be pawns in your great game, but you do still love them, right?