Silent Slaughter of Sons and Daughters

It is no wonder the "race-hustlers," as the conservative media ironically dubs them, spend so much energy attacking white people, since they are such easy targets

Interracial murder data is extremely unpopular to report on, for reasons that become quite obvious. That is, the reality is the exact opposite of The Narrative.

The historical record available from the CDC makes it clear that Whites have always borne the burden of interracial violence. Perhaps this was different before good records were kept, but speculation on anthropological studies is outside of my purview. I speak only of data.

And we can make something of an informed estimate by combining interracial victimization data derived from FBI NIBRS with the actual number of murder victims of each race & sex taken from death certificate data from the CDC. From this, we can estimate, since 1968:

~193,500 Interracial Murders

~145,500 White Victims of Black Murderers (75.3% of total)
~35,000 White Female Victims of Black Murderers (85.4% of Female total) 
~48,000 Black Victims of White Murderers (24.7% of total) 
~6,000 Black Female Victims of White Murderers (14.6% of Female total)

As Jared Taylor from American Rennaisance points out, this figure shows more White American males were murdered in the period from 1968 to 2024 than were killed in WWI. The professional Right gatekeepers accuse apologists for Black criminals of being hustlers of race while tirelessly spinning the narrative themselves to sell multiracialism to what once was a mostly uninterested public, at the expense of a small city of people.

The article produces several other startling revelations regarding estimates of murders by unknown assailants and the hypothetical rates of interracial violence in a fully integrated America, which may not be surprising to some but are certain to cause serious soul-searching in most live-and-let-live types. That is if they should they read with their minds open and a bit of heart for this clearly persecuted group of European diaspora. 

If this interests you, read the whole article and consider the author, DataHazard, who may be a good bookmark and follow for those interested in verboten stats.


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