Making Martyrs of Meme Merchants - The US Government's War on Dissent

This blog post on the prosecution of dissident thought leaders discusses the state of American politics with the recent conviction and pending sentencing of the operator a Twitter meme account, Douglass Mackey, and the New York grand jury indictment of former President Donald Trump.

The US government is planning to imprison a popular social media influencer for having poked fun at Hillary Clinton on Twitter; A 'memelord' (one who creates and publishes memes), 33-year-old Douglass Mackey AKA Ricky Vaughn sentenced for up to 10 years for an image posted on the popular public website that only a total fool intellectually unfit to vote could mistake as real. This massive judicial overreach comes months after an excess of a billion-dollar legal judgement was brought against talk show host and activist, Alex Jones, for questioning the details of a public mass shooting event and news spectacle, criminalizing the voicing of contrary opinions to the current administration and the uniparty establishment. These judgements are the latest development in the Democrat-led legal reformation guided by the absurd and anti-American election interference narrative, positing that mere public speech alone to a moderately-sized audience is tantamount to voter suppression, simultaneously ignoring accusations and evidence of widespread direct voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The meme seen round the world

There is no protection for free speech in America and the TikTok trojan horse bill will not give the Federal government and those non-Americans in charge of it anymore control than they already exercise, as bad as that bill is. If a person finds themselves an ideological enemy of the powerful foreign forces in control of US government, nothing can protect them, and the least likely to shield them from retribution is the law. The law is a vestigial organ of the fallen American system, as it has become completely weaponized à la a banana republic. If one lives in a small town in a red state, one can perhaps still enjoy limited protection under the constitution of their state and under the jurisdiction of the sheriff, but being outspoken online and on a national level is a very dangerous proposition, especially as a Christian nationalist and enemy of Clown World, and one should consider carefully the choice to participate, as warned by commentator, Vox Day.

While it is now illegal to share dissident opinions, or to have an audience online and present them with jokes or other material that is counternarrative, CNN and other mainstream media organizations acting as arms of the neo-liberal state are allowed to propagandize everyone, including children directly, globally, and with outright intentional deception. Trans, gay, woke, atheist, anti-American, anti-White and European racist, and communist ideology is ever-present in the manufactured culture, the promotion of these and other subversive ideologies coming routinely from no less than the mouth of the President himself, and loaded as overt and subliminal messaging into nearly every visual and audio entertainment program disseminated by Hollywood and the corporate establishment. This messaging extends to the American presence internationally, where the United States has become synonymous with homosexuality and its associated offshoots, the symbols of these flown over US embassies across Asia, Africa, and beyond. Whether anyone likes it or not, Americans abroad are the de facto ambassadors for post-modernist degeneracy, and the increasingly clear vision of the American experiment is that of a failed and falling cataclysm, mired by corruption and incompetence as our politics devolve into the habitual chaos once thought only typical of third-world countries.

One rule for us, and another rule for them, and the stakes keep getting higher. As we see with the recent New York indictment of Trump, even the Law of Kings does not stand when the need to crush dissent overrides concerns for long-term national stability. Thought leaders associated with traditional American and Christian values and representing Heritage-Americans, those of original stock of the settlers of the North American continent, are subject to ruthless and unrelenting lawfare, and a fair target for prosecution and imprisonment. Whether such public persecution of political figures is destabilizing to the country is no longer even a passing thought to the unhinged Trotskyites frothing at the mouth, passing judgement, and meting out punishments. War criminals and others representing the NWO, on the other hand, walk with near complete legal immunity from the consequences of their actions, while any criticism is criminalized. The exact next steps of the Clown Town Council cannot be easily predicted, but moving recklessly down their chosen trajectory, one could easily envision a future where just as mountains are made of molehills, martyrs are made of meme merchants.


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