In The Strangest of Places

It is great to have a liberal Boomer father, and I will tell you why. Although it may seem a curse to some Millennials, having an absent, confoundingly wrong-headed, childish, self-centered, incommunicative, and downright evil-committed person attempting to give them advice, one thing can be as sure as the sun crosses the sky: Anything they tell you will be absolutely wrong. So wrong that by merely inverting the thrust of the statement 180 degrees, what should be the intended target is sure to be found.

A man can be certain, if his ex-hippy father tells him to look one direction, he should definitely check the other first. If the Boomtard tells him to jump, duck. When he tells you to invest in your 401K, take all that money out and pour it into your gold reserves and guns. Literally nothing good will come out of his mouth as long as he breaths without it being labored and coerced by some antagonizing outside force, so lean into it. Boomtards are like a compulsively contrarian compass, which knows no way but the opposite of true north. 

"I will judo that demon speaking through you, father. That is my superpower. That is my jihad." - Unknown

This post is obviously a reflection of a momentary sentiment. Of course, Boomers have some positive qualities, like that of the enjoyment and celebration of life and nature, but in the state which we find ourselves in the collapsing West, we will do well to walk away from their habits as quickly as possible. Far from remaining level headed and balanced, we need fast rejection and an overadjustment toward a new equilibrium.


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