Simple Boundaries for Rational Behavior in The Age of Mass-Psychosis

Knowledge of Good and Evil - Original AI Artwork from Midjourney

I genuinely do not research every single aspect of my life, because to do so would relegate my existence to one of general inaction. Much of what I and everyone else does is through a process of trial and error, which though itself is a form of research, is distinct in that it is a haphazard process of innovation driven by gut instinct. Perhaps we are all guided by information gleaned through subconscious observation, and there may be even a bit of intuition or divine intervention in the mix, but in any case, I do not spend an exorbitant amount of time reading about what I do before I do it, because I find it more useful try before I believe I know quite enough about the topic. Afterall, words on a page can explain something in exhaustive detail, but reading is an inefficient way of transmitting many types of sensorially dynamic information. 

It was not the case then, that I had spent a great deal of time researching the vaccine before I decided against it. My deeply bound visceral and soulful reaction to being ordered around by people I considered obnoxiously foolish, told it was the end of human contact as we'd known it in the grimaced faces of history of biology, and that now was the burgeoning rise of a mealy-mouthed medical dictatorship of the weak, old, ugly, and infirmed, was that of pure revulsion. 

My first instinctual conceptualization of the highly coordinated news coverage of the pandemic was that it was another in a long string of public mass-psychotic (before I knew this as a set neologism) breaks accompanying the widespread coping with the Presidency of Donald Trump, and likely just another conspiratorially contrived obstacle set in his path. I did not see it as a medical phenomenon per say, but a social phenomenon hijacking the reins of the medical establishment. In the sense that it has turned itself into a true health disaster through the psychological/physical/spiritual stress it has placed on everyone at large, it has proven rather ironic and unfortunate. However, I am at once not surprised nor particularly sad, as people observably commit self-harm by bludgeoning themselves with their own thoughts routinely.

Yes, it is possible or even likely that this was a lab leak, intentional release, electromagnetic attack or any other case which might lend credence to there being a real scary happening, but as with most other situations where people are involved, the reaction is often worse than the disease. With that logic firmly established, then more enlightened officiators might have considered as a matter of public policy to focus on easing transitions of mob-mental states rather than contributing to overall mass-hysteria. Instead, we as a collective relied on active stampeding from one rash and politically convenient conclusion to another.

With the premises that we should not have scared the children and the elderly regardless of the circumstance, and that I do not need more reason not to trust the established entities of control, be it an empirical or anecdotal reason, and given that I simply do not have time to constantly revisit facts already accepted regarding known quantities like compulsive liars and power-hungry elites, then further contemplation on these matters is not warranted. If the mainstream media is reporting it, I do not believe it. To the extent that anything they have ever said is acknowledged as true, it is because what others might use as corroborating resources, or even hold contempt for and dismiss out of hand, have told me first, and it is on that basis that I contradict my reflexive non-belief. 

What I see on a screen will be treated with an exponentially diminishing degree of veracity compared to that which I encounter in 3D space. Furthermore, anyone attempting to convince me to "do research" or "listen to experts" is to be regarded with suspicion, because if they do, they are likely asking me to act out of character or to engage in some oddity with which I wish to have no association.


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