Nobody Owes You Anything

Renting out rooms, I have found that ex-convicts tend to be such crybabies and often project how sorry they constantly feel for themselves to anyone who will listen. I suspect this has a lot to contribute to their criminality in the first place. Thinking the world owes you something other than what you work for or that you can take because you deserve more than you have seems like a perfect mindset for criminal behavior. The world owes you nothing. Even the air you breath is a miraculous gift from God which you should be thankful for in each and every moment you don't choke. Every bad experience or scar is a lesson hard learned, which gives you a leg up on the competition and the many enemies around you. And every pain and ache is the electricity and fire of life forging you into something greater than you were when you were a baby and could not even endure a late meal.

Be grateful, because one day this carousel ride will come to an end, and what a waste it would be to spend all your limited time lamenting that which has not even occurred because you wish it had or think it should have. Spend too much time in that mental hole, and you might make a stupid decision out of spite or jealousy and end up in an even darker, deeper, concrete hole; A real one with no way out other than the good grace of a parole board.


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