Another Day, Another Gender Reveal Party for Satanism

Ever since abortion became a stand-in for feminism, the life of the child sacrificed for a woman's personal inverted sense of empowerment has been an opaquely veiled sacrament to Satan. The nature of this dark practice has never truly escaped even the addled minds of post-modernists, and their obscurantism aimed at the young, fearful, and impressionable sought to corrupt their spirit with the act before they ever knew better. This first brick laid paves the way for a life of debauchery. Forcing taxpayers to provide easier access to low-cost abortive procedures was not only an anti-Christian humiliation ritual, but always a way to ease the unwitting into a deeply corrupting sin, breaking the minds of the weak-willed. Now, after many decades of obfuscation, the pattern should be clear to anyone who once harbored any doubt regarding the devilish motivations of these servants of Baphomet, especially with the more recent rebranding of infanticide as after-birth abortion.

Tweet from Andrew Beck including images of the, "new statue atop the New York City courthouse"

And so, it is no surprise that the symbology now adorning the highest legal house of New York is that of an unholy she-beast in a judge's jabot, empowered by evil and erected tautly with developing rigor mortis. The phantasm's braided hair curled inward as if the appendages of a desiccated animal and forming the horns of a ram, with arms tangled and thrusting outward to signal the corruption standing in for liberty in this dammed nation, the gilded effigy signifies the stink of decomposition utterly uncontained by the municipal perfume of pauper piss. Where once scales represented the weighing of arguments in the pursuit of truth, now snaking parasitic lampreys jutting in and out of a corpse portend endless fallacy and deceit rising from a stupefying golden lotus. This demonic presence is yet another Trojan horse from our resident vibrants and foot soldiers of the New World Order; A hyphenated American-Pakistani woman more than pleased with the opportunity to embarrass one of the formerly greatest cities on earth with an anti-monumental parody of art:

"I have always had an affinity for the anti-monument in my practice. My work engages the past without glorifying it. It doesn’t lay claim to grandiosity. It is often ephemeral. There are works on paper, murals, installation and animations, which rarely get seen through the lens of the anti-monument. To remedy that I thought, “All I need to do is make the drawing into a sculpture.” Drawing implies movement in time and across formats and mediums. It is a means of imagining and bringing forms to life. Space, velocity, magnitude, direction—all essential elements inherent in the process of drawing—become active in different ways through thought and action, through animation, music and sculpture."

Achieving her lofty ephemerality in a chimeric cadaver infested with hyperactive worms, the artist farcically expounds upon her process, as if having drawn out her plan on paper was an innovative approach. The resulting figure, stiffly in unnatural T-pose, far from being a mere criticism of monumentalism, is no less than a tribute to the god of her earthly religion. And as with the many terrestrially bound cosmologies of the rightly forsaken past, child sacrifice stands at the center of the twisted morality of Shahzia Sikander, like the graven image with which she's cursed the people of New York:

"The recent focus on reproductive rights in the US after the Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 decision that guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion in the US, comes to the forefront. In the process, it is the dismissal, too, of the indefatigable spirit of the women, who have been collectively fighting for their right to their own bodies over generations. However, the enduring power lies with the people who step into and remain in the fight for equality. That spirit and grit is what I want to capture in both the sculptures."

A Plea for Piety in This Age of Deception

We must encourage one another to speak truth and uncover the lies we once believed, for the greatest charity to give along with the physical necessities feeding and protecting the body, is that which nourishes the immortal soul, the good news of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for all of humanity. The Deceiver seeks to deny souls their spiritual inheritance and hide them from the light of our Savior. To achieve this ultimate charity, we must refrain from adopting the word magic of the enemies of God and purify our language with heavenly righteousness. Let us clearly name the diabolic spade swung to cut down the innocent, for it is plainly murder.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. - 1 Corinthians 13:11-12 


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