Keeping Tabs

And taking names - Brief list for posterity's sake:

- The vaccines don't work and may be dangerous, the virus is basically not dangerous for under 65's
- The virus was potentially created in a lab and even if not this specific virus...
- Dr. Fauci and the NIH funded gain-of-function chimeric bat virus research in the US and China and also appeared to be killing countless beagles in barbaric experiments
- Fauci lied to congress repeatedly in exchanges with Senator Rand Paul
- US government appears to be working with the Chinese Communist Party to produce bio-weapons
- The media is scaremongering everyone about common medications known to be actually "safe and effective", unlike an experimental gene therapy which was untested until it was fast-tracked through the FDA and given to hundreds of millions of people
- The literally toothless Hunter Biden is fairly openly accepting bribes through his artwork sales scheme, after having lost his laptop admittedly containing photos and videos, now public, of him doing drugs, partying naked with prostitutes and maybe his own niece, as well as admitting to running the "family business" 
- Biden probably was bribed by the Chinese to leave Afghanistan in a huff, but did not want to use and was visibly not capable of following through with Trump's plan, so has created a massive hostage situation, a refugee crisis, and heavily armed the Taliban
- The election was obviously stolen by coporate interests in league with foreign governments and traitors in our midst
- The Fed is maintaining QE infinity and inflating a massive stock and housing bubble that will explode soon
- The infrastructure bill is creating the requeset bureacracy and funding vaccine passports, carbon credits, mileage taxes, and all kinds of other crap while completely failing to address important and necessary water, transportation, and energy infrastructure
- The southern border is wide open

Vox Day pointed out that the Percent of Cases Fully Vaccinated are higher than the Percentage of Population Fully Vaccinated, meaning that they are worse than ineffective.


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