America is Dead
America is dead. It was
dead long before you were born and there is no resurrecting it. Its time on
earth was splendid and fleeting, like a flower in the spring, but as autumn
came and the weather shifted, the light faded and air grew cold, the sun set on
a once promising experiment in self-government never to rise again.
The new
America is an empire; a wolf wearing the gutted fleece of a once strong and
noble buck. A war took place in order to impose the will of the federal
government not only over the states in the Confederacy, but on each and every
one of the diverse and once proud states of the union. You can argue about the
merits of the Civil War, but not over the effect. The Constitutional Republic
was weakened, and the imperial control of Washington was instituted over the
fledgling, subjugated republics. That was the when the coroner first called the
time of expiry.
And like any
historical empire, immoral as they all are, we expanded; bases were erected in
over 100 countries, wars of aggression and occupation ensued, and meaningless
sloganeering and jingoism rang down the streets emanating from glowing
televisions in apartment windows. Rotting from the inside out, the global
military and monetary occupation represented by the currency of our private central
bank infiltrated into every country globally, as DC, our disembodied head,
gained control of the very black crude life blood of the expanded economy. The
subjects of the new planetary empire, having become assimilated shock-force
troops, turned on their queen and began to immigrate en masse to the heart of
evil empire to feast on the flesh of its inhabitants like parasites.
Now, America
is a hollowed corpse. It is overflowing with foreign bodies so comfortable with
their borrowed surroundings that they often nearly have forgotten that they do
not belong, though not entirely at home. They still eat and rip at its insides
knowing intuitively that this spectacle will not last forever and their purpose
there is to feed. The native tissues, still naive and waving the colors of
their once unified nation, are in such an abject state of confusion that they
sometimes think the parasites their brothers and gasp for help from behind
their perpetually drawn curtains, only to be discovered and consumed.
Tens of
millions of altAmericans, slash/Americans and hyphenated-Americans, each as
American, we are told, as the very Americans that originally created America
vie for power and wrestle for the juiciest morsels of our dilapidated carcass.
As they bite and chew, we wail and cry deliriously, "We need legal
immigration!" and, "No sir, you are the real racist!" We are
mercilessly torn limb from limb and fed to their monstrously obese,
glossy-eyed, cross-dressed ‘Dreamer' babies and raped for every bit of innocence
we retain.
But never do
we have a passing thought for ourselves or for what we need and want. We do not
dare to imagine a world for our children where others might be excluded for
their benefit. Refuse, as we do, to spare a bit of land and future for the
expansion of our progeny, instead engorging ourselves on the very nutritionally
deficient paper credits and promissory notes of our imperial overlords, we
sacrifice our generations' blood to the Blood God for the ever expansionary
borders to the solar system and beyond.
We imagine, perhaps one day, parasites from a far-off galaxy
will come to take a taste of us, hoping our organs will grow back in time and
provide us endless fuel for free trade in pursuit of greenbacks, wetbacks,
iTunes download credits and organic, artesian, imported electrolytes. We would
sell it all, just for a taste of our former abundance, cut whatever bit of skin
off to regain our once tight posterior and clean complexion, ingest whatever
potion on recommendation from a walking lab-coat if it will only restore some
feeling of vitality. For another day in the sun, we will hock even our sons and
daughters on the street to any passersby whose eye we happened to catch.
The American experiment ended long ago, but now the second experiment is finally coming to a close. This study in empire has proven reproduceable and the inevitable conclusions well understood and documented. Empires are both evil and unsustainable. In enriching and engorging themselves, the citizens of the empire lose their purpose, decency and identity. In serving the empire, its subjects forfeit their dignity and compassion. Everyone stands to lose in this endeavor.
The American experiment ended long ago, but now the second experiment is finally coming to a close. This study in empire has proven reproduceable and the inevitable conclusions well understood and documented. Empires are both evil and unsustainable. In enriching and engorging themselves, the citizens of the empire lose their purpose, decency and identity. In serving the empire, its subjects forfeit their dignity and compassion. Everyone stands to lose in this endeavor.
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