Suburban Paradise Lost
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” ― John Milton, Paradise Lost I am going to direct this at a hypothetical disenchanted suburbanite in the first-person, so try not to take it personally if it does not describe you, and even if it does, learn from it. Or bitch in the comments and I will be happy to laugh at or ignore you until I find it necessary to block you. No, your suburban home is not a dystopia. You are a lazy crybaby attempting to make excuses for your personal failings. You are not oppressed by pleasant and clean neighborhoods with large houses lined with seasonally blooming flowers, or modern conveniences like plumbing and central air. You are not held back by urban development, zoning, or so-called "food deserts." There is no such thing as a food desert. You are just a whinging loser who doesn't have the capacity to understand how good you actually have it from the constant pampering you have experienced since...